Since the first release of the Gotham web framework in August 2017, we’ve been excitedly watching the community grow and get involved in the project. Today we’re pleased to announce the release of version 0.2, which includes new features and refinements identified by the community as well as some from our own wishlist.

Some highlights from version 0.2, out of the 99 issues and PRs that we’ve closed in the last 6 months:

  • New API for building a Router
  • Improvements to documentation and examples
  • Overhauled testing API
  • Path extractors and query string extractors work via Serde now
  • Catching application panics to keep the server process alive

Our thanks to everybody involved in the Gotham community by asking questions, providing feedback, and opening issues and pull requests. Anyone who’d like to get involved should come join us on Gitter or GitHub.

We’ve started adding some issues to the 0.3 roadmap, to get an idea of what we’d like to tackle next. Some of the noteworthy ones on our list so far:

  • Async static file serving
  • A more convenient method of dealing with request bodies (form data being the priority)
  • Track the evolution of Tokio 0.2 and Futures 0.2, and adapt Gotham to suit the needs of the Rust ecosystem as it is updated for the reformed Tokio
  • Track the adoption of the http crate by hyper, and change Gotham to use the new types for dealing with HTTP

You can find out more about the Gotham web framework at

We’d again like to say a sincere thank you to the developers and communities of all our dependencies, and the Rust language. We’re excited for what 2018 will bring to the Rust ecosystem.

Bradley and Shaun